Anatomy of In-Laws (Episode 152)

Don't Roll Your Eyes by Ruth Nemzoff

Doctors Brian and Giuseppe talk with Ruth Nemzoff, author of Don't Roll Your Eyes: Making In-Laws Into Family, about in-law relationships and typical problems that arise. Topics include:

  • Why are relationships with in-laws potentially so difficult?

  • How can parents reduce conflict when their child marries?

  • What are the unspoken assumptions that can lead to conflict in relationships with in-laws?

Find out what Ruth thinks this week!

Listen here:

Note: Posts on Family Anatomy are for education only, and are not intended to replace professional or medical advice. If you need to talk to someone about family or mental health issues, you can get a referral from your family doctor. Doctors Brian and Giuseppe discussed kids in general in this episode, but every child is unique; your experience may vary from that discussed in this episode.